from Australian Lowline cattle

These Australian Lowline (small Angus) weaners averaged 21kg at
birth. Six months later, their weaning weights averaged 160 kg
with two of the bulls weighing in at 178 kg and 179 kg. Kept on
their mothers for almost six months, they have shown little
weaning stress, our method being to leave the calves in the next
paddock for a week after separation and then to shift the mothers
out of sight.
Look how bright eyed these weaners are two weeks later.
Australian Lowlines are a particularly placid breed and adapt to
life as it comes. That is why they can be successful range cattle
in Australia and the US whilst also being an excellent
proposition for lifestyle blocks and small acreages.
What are you most interested in for your property? Small,
easily-managed cattle that are easy on your fences? Or getting
the most beef production per hectare? Australian Lowline cattle
can fulfill
both objectives and are
probably the only breed that can.
Australian Lowlines are perfectly proportioned small versions of
champion Angus ancestors. Their
small size (about 60% of the bulk of an ordinary Angus) means
they have lower feed requirements and cause less pasture damage.
They are very cost effective for smaller properties and yield
better percentage dress out weights and a higher proportion of
desirable cuts than other cattle.
Casablanca Lowline
Stud, based at Whangaehu near Wanganui, New Zealand (previously
at Kumeu, Auckland) welcomes your contact about Australian
Lowline Cattle.
Casablanca is looking for a future partner (or partners) with adequate land in the lower or central North Island)
to help us continue this well known stud as our ages advance.
No money need change hands.
Contact us for further details.
You can ring us on New Zealand 06 342 6670
or Email us
Australian Lowlines, which have 100% Angus genes on a more compact frame,
are designed to be smaller and to mature earlier than beef cattle of other breeds.
Like all Angus, Australian Lowlines provide
high quality cuts of meat with good marbling and the right amount sub-cutaneous fat.
They are serious beef cattle that win awards against all comers in carcass competitions
while being cute enough for any lifestyler. They are placid and manageable and don't
pug your paddocks like huge cattle of other breeds.
Judy and David Sainsbury, Casablanca Lowline
Stud, 16 Haunui Rd, Whangaehu, Wanganui, New Zealand.
Telephone:(New Zealand)06 342 6670. Mobile:0224026559.