LIFESTYLE AND SMALL ACREAGE farmers. Amazing Lowline Angus cattle. Small, docile and beefy.

What would you prefer for your lifestyle block?
Small docile cattle that are easy on your pasture and fences?
Or the best beef return?
Australian Lowlines
will provide both benefits for lifestyle block and small acreage farmers and are probably the only breed that can. Lowlines are the small Angus cattle, around 30% smaller than a standard Aberdeen Angus, which were developed through the NSW Department of Agriculture
line breeding research into improving the breed. They are extremely suitable for lifestyle block or small acreage farming.
First up, they're small and easily handled. Mature Australian Lowline bulls measure about 110 cm at the hip and Lowline cows about 100cm.
The cows are very long-lived, producing calves for 12 to 20 years and the bulls are renowned for their fertility.
Australian Lowline steers are usually killed between 16 and 20 months, at which time they weigh between 350 and 450kg.
A mature bull can weigh up to 750kg although weights in the 600s are more common.
Despite their small size, Australian Lowlines are an exceptional beef breed.
They're efficient protein converters, producing up to 40% more
dressed out beef to the hectare than other breeds.
So how does the beef compare?
Well, Australian Angus Lowline beef is equal to the very best Angus beef, plus 30% more rib-eye than any other breed, and smaller, well-marbled, family-sized portions. Because the animals are smaller, the beef is more finely grained and exceptionally tender. There is even a health benefit, a higher mono-unsaturated/saturated fat ratio (good in itself) which includes CLA, omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids, shown to have positive benefits in heart disease, diabetes and asthma. And because Australian Lowline carcasses are smaller, they fit more easily into your freezer, so you don't need to give so much away to your mother.
If you're both working, the lower management requirements of Australian Lowlines
will be a big plus on your lifestyle block. Lowlines are a docile breed with
shorter gestation periods, lower birth weights and a high 200 and 400 day growth rate.
(Gestation is an average 271 days compared with 280 for other breeds.)
They're easily handled by women and are renowned for their problem free calving.
You'll also manage with less hay.
If you already have breeding cattle on your lifestyle block, consider using a Lowline sire to
produce better beef animals than you are getting at present. Australian Lowline sires significantly reduce
calving problems, particularly in heifers (because the
calves are smaller)and
pass on many of the Lowline genetically selected traits such as good temperament, earlier maturity, beefiness and higher meat quality. Your home grown lifestyle block beef will be the envy of your friends and neighbours.
Casablanca Lowline
Stud, based at Whangaehu near Wanganui, New Zealand (previously
at Kumeu, Auckland) welcomes your contact about Australian
Lowline Cattle.
Casablanca is looking for a future partner (or partners) with adequate land in the lower or central North Island)
to help us continue this well known stud as our ages advance.
No money need change hands.
Contact us for further details.
You can ring us on New Zealand 06 342 6670
or Email us
Australian Lowlines, which have 100% Angus genes on a more compact frame,
are designed to be smaller and to mature earlier than beef cattle of other breeds.
Like all Angus, Australian Lowlines provide
high quality cuts of meat with good marbling and the right amount sub-cutaneous fat.
They are serious beef cattle that win awards against all comers in carcass competitions
while being cute enough for any lifestyler. They are placid and manageable and don't
pug your paddocks like huge cattle of other breeds.
Judy and David Sainsbury, Casablanca Lowline
Stud, 16 Haunui Rd, Whangaehu, Wanganui, New Zealand.
Telephone:(New Zealand)06 342 6670. Mobile:0224026559.