Casablanca Australian Lowline
Taken in both NZ and Australia.

Earl Marshall, a very
famous Aberdeen Angus
sired many international champions.
He is an ancestor of all
Australian Lowlines. |

Casablanca Barbary
Coast at four months.
Earl Marshall's
beefy little
Kiwi descendant. |

Barbary Coast
at 16 months.
Already an all-breeds and all-ages beef cattle champion. |

Casablanca Marrakesh Express at four months. Now adult and at
Ardery Lowline Stud, Hawkes Bay. |

Casablanca Maria and Casablanca Sahara,
also four months. Handled by David and Judy Sainsbury. |

Barbary Coast and a Belgian Blue. Bigger but not better.
Lowlines win
against all comers. |

Allambie Perfect Princes as a calf. Handled here by Charlies
Jarvis aged six. |

Perfect Princess, Reserve Champ Senior Female, Sydney Royal 2009.
Handled by Thomas Ritchie. |

In the money again. Sydney Royal 2010. Thomas, Perfect Princess
and her calf Casablanca Sam. |

Casablanca Sahara handled by Emma Epstein aged 11. Another
Lowline champion. |

Sahara's sire Avonsleigh Atlas, Beef Interbreeds Champion at
Canberra Royal Show. |

Barbary Coast and Marrakesh Express. Both beef champions at 16 months. Handled by David and Judy. |
Casablanca Lowline
Stud, based at Whangaehu near Wanganui, New Zealand (previously
at Kumeu, Auckland) welcomes your contact about Australian
Lowline Cattle.
Casablanca is looking for a future partner (or partners) with adequate land in the lower or central North Island)
to help us continue this well known stud as our ages advance.
No money need change hands.
Contact us for further details.
You can ring us on New Zealand 06 342 6670
or Email us
Australian Lowlines, which have 100% Angus genes on a more compact frame,
are designed to be smaller and to mature earlier than beef cattle of other breeds.
Like all Angus, Australian Lowlines provide
high quality cuts of meat with good marbling and the right amount sub-cutaneous fat.
They are serious beef cattle that win awards against all comers in carcass competitions
while being cute enough for any lifestyler. They are placid and manageable and don't
pug your paddocks like huge cattle of other breeds.
Judy and David Sainsbury, Casablanca Lowline
Stud, 16 Haunui Rd, Whangaehu, Wanganui, New Zealand.
Telephone:(New Zealand)06 342 6670. Mobile:0224026559.